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Central venous catheter

  • Silicone Foley Catheters
  • Silicone Foley Catheters
  • Silicone Foley Catheters
Foley Catheters Silicone catheters Disposable Silicone Foley Catheters

Silicone Foley Catheters


    Size:2WAY 16Fr/CH.5-15ML

    Category:Central venous catheter

    Post time:2023-01-01 16:35:08

    Description:2WAY 16Fr Disposable Silicone Foley Catheters STERILE EO...

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Disposable Silicone Foley Catheters STERILE EO  2WAY 16Fr/CH.5-15ML


I Generously lubricate tip and shaft of the catheter

2 Carefully insert catheter tip into the bladder(normallyindicated by urine flow),and then a further 3cm toensure balloon is also inside it.

3 Using a syringe without needle,inflate balloon with steriledistilled water or physiological saline.Recommendedvolume to use is marked on funnel of catheter.