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Central venous catheter

  • Central Venous Catheter kit
  • Central Venous Catheter kit
  • Central Venous Catheter kit
triple lumen cvc triple lumen central venous Catheter fda cvc kit

Central Venous Catheter kit


    Size:8.5FR 30cm

    Category:Central venous catheter

    Post time:2020-09-19 16:35:08

    Description:Latex-free Central Venous Catheter kit with FDA Certification...

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Central Venous Catheter Kit -  8.5FR 30cm includes 9 items below:

1Central Venous CatheterTriple Lumen, 8.5Fr*L30cmone
2Sliding ClampSliding Catheter Clampone/two/three
3Guidewire with Advancer0.018"/0.021"/0.025"/0.032"/0.035"one
4DilatorVessel Dilatorone
5Fastener: Catheter ClampInner & Outer Fastening Clamp for Cathetertwo
6Introducer Syringe5ml Syringe/5ml bule Syringeone
7Introducer Needle20G/19G/18Gone
8Syringe Needle7# Hypodermic needleone
9Injection CapHeparin cap for CVCone/two/three

Central Venous Catheters may be applicable to the one of the following therapy: 

-  Monitor of central venous pressure;

-  Continuous or discontinuous venous transfusion;

-  Blood sampling.

The Catheter is surgically penetrated into three optional puncture points depended on the clinical requirement with Seldinger Technique. The Insertion Sites are :

1. Internal jugular vein; 

2. Subclavian vein; 

3. Femoral vein.

It is possible to be inserted inside the body for no more than 30days. If duration exceeds 30 days, it may occur the risk of combining the catheter and inside tissue, which result in serious incident.